Home Annual Meeting Call for Papers Groups Theology and Continental Philosophy
January 2011

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Call for Proposals

A number of prominent philosophers and theorists located in the United States have found in contemporary continental philosophy fruitful resources for their own work (for instance, J. Caputo, R. Kearney, J. Butler, and G. C. Spivak). We invite proposals for papers or panels that consider and/or exemplify the significance of these stateside thinkers for theology. We also welcome proposals on other topics in continental philosophy and theology, especially those that focus on emerging figures in continental thought.


This Group seeks to further discussions at the intersection of post-Kantian philosophy in its various permutations with historical and contemporary theological reflection. While we remain centered on continental European thought on the philosophical side, the term “theology” in our parlance extends to critical reflection on a range of religions worldwide. Contact the Program Unit Chairs if you seek further information on the Group’s activities.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposals are anonymous to Chairs and Steering Committee Members until after final acceptance or rejection.


Ellen T. Armour
Vanderbilt University
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Bruce Ellis Benson
Wheaton College
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Method of Submission


This website contains archived issues of Religious Studies News published online from March 2010 to May 2013, and PDF versions of print editions published from Winter 2001 to October 2009.

This site also contains archived issues of Spotlight on Teaching (May 1999 to May 2013) and Spotlight on Theological Education (March 2007 to March 2013).

For current issues of RSN, beginning with the October 2013 issue, please see here.
