World Christianity Print

Call for Proposals

This Group seeks proposals for papers on the following topics:

  • Practices of theological education and pastoral formation in World Christianity, especially from a gendered perspective
  • Indigenous peoples in/and World Christianity — gendered perspectives are welcome
  • Christian-Muslim relations in the Mediterranean milieu, broadly in all time periods, from a variety of methodological perspectives. Topics may include pilgrimage, visual and material culture, artistic expression, popular culture, intellectual exchanges, cooperation, and conflict. Focus on particular locales — Catalunya, Provence, Turkey, Serbia, Sarajevo, Constantinople/Istanbul, Fez, Jerusalem — is welcome. Proposals may address Christian–Muslim relations in the context of broader interreligious relations with Jewish and other religious communities (for a possible cosponsored session with the Middle Eastern Christianity Consultation)
  • Orthodox Christianities in the Eastern Mediterranean and Northern Africa during the late Ottoman, Modern, and Contemporary eras (for a possible cosponsored session with the Eastern Orthodox Studies Group)


This Group seeks to explore intercultural, interconfessional, and interreligious dynamics of Christianity as a world religion, bringing into conversation scholars in the disciplines of history, mission studies, theology, sociology of religion, and religious studies.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposals are anonymous to Chairs and Steering Committee Members during review, but visible to Chairs prior to final acceptance or rejection.


Jayachitra Lalitha
Tamilnadu Theological Seminary
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Jane Carol Redmont
Guilford College
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Method of Submission