Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society Print

Call for Proposals

This Group invites critically developed individual paper, papers session, or roundtable proposals on the following topics:

  • Possible links (and points of tension) between African-American women’s and indigenous women’s (i.e., African, African Diaspora, First Nation) theological conceptualizations

  • The theological and religious formation(s) of Black women in politics

  • Moving beyond — advancing and honoring Womanist work done by “all the folk”

  • Scholarship and activism that utilizes womanist methodologies to advocate for environmental justice (Eco-Womanism)

  • Perspectives on Third Wave Womanism that attend to its continued building upon womanist scholarship, its points of departure, and the possible overarching challenges of the “wave” construct/branding to articulate Womanist work across time


This Group provides a forum for religious scholarship that engages theoretically and methodologically the four-part definition of a Womanist as coined by Alice Walker. We nurture interdisciplinary scholarship, encourage interfaith dialogue, and seek to engage scholars and practitioners in fields outside the study of religion. We are particularly concerned with fostering scholarship that bridges theory and practice and addresses issues of public policy in church and society.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposer names are anonymous to Chairs and Steering Committee members until after final acceptance or rejection.


Tracey Hucks
Haverford College
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Pamela Lightsey
Boston University
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Method of Submission

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