Scriptural/Contextual Ethics Print

Call for Proposals

This Consultation has chosen as its session’s topic “Scripture versus Scripture: Moral Conflict and Sacred Text.” Adherents of scripturally rooted faiths often claim that they derive their moral beliefs from their sacred texts. Indeed, in some traditions this is the primary way in which moral claims are justified. Therefore, quite often, dramatic conflicts about moral issues within a religious community become framed as disputes about scriptural texts. In this session, participants will describe a specific moment within one of the world’s religious traditions in which conflict over a moral issue was argued in terms of competing interpretations of scripture. The successful proposal will contextualize the disputed issue, the ways scripture was employed on different sides, how the issue was resolved, and the lasting implications of this conflict for that religious tradition.


This Consultation integrates the study of scriptural teachings in their social/ethical context within the critical study of present social/ethical contexts. We seek insights from ethical disciplines for self-critical awareness of assumptions that influence scriptural interpretation, and insights from scriptural disciplines for self-critical awareness in ethics.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposals are anonymous to Chairs and Steering Committee Members until after final acceptance or rejection.


David P. Gushee
Mercer University
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Amy Laura Hall
Duke University
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Method of Submission