Roman Catholic Studies Print

Call for Proposals

This Group will focus its 2013 program around the theme “Beyond Baltimore: The Emergence of Critical Catholic Studies.” We seek to use the Annual Meeting and its location in Catholic-rich Baltimore to facilitate a sustained, coherent, and provocative conversation about the field of Roman Catholic Studies as an intellectual enterprise. The “Beyond Baltimore” focus invites scholars to think through (and ultimately beyond) definitions of Catholic Studies as a field simply constituted by a common topic (e.g., “we all study the Roman Catholic Church”) and toward a broader, more dynamic, and more critically self-aware definition of our individual and collective scholarly work. Individual papers, papers sessions, and roundtables are invited that engage critically and creatively with the concept of Catholic studies as an intellectual field. Potential topics might include, but are not limited to:

  • Baltimore catechism engaged with contemporary theoretical frameworks

  • New paradigms for approaching and interpreting the Catholic tradition (e.g., boundaries that define the field, focal sites beyond the West, analyses of systems of power within the Church and the academy)

  • The effect of dynamics in the Roman Catholic Church (e.g., sexual abuse crisis, contestations of authority) on archival work and/or theological inquiry. We are especially interested in proposals that are attentive to the ways in which history and theology relate to one another within the field

Co-Chairs are happy to consult with individuals who are developing individual paper, papers session, or roundtable proposals to answer questions, discuss ideas, and help shape final submissions.


This Group provides a scholarly forum to study the global Roman Catholic community. Consequently, we welcome critical studies, cultural, ethical, historical, and theological perspectives. We seek to mirror the subject community’s diversity in pursuing equally diverse methods to study that community.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposer names are anonymous to Chairs and Steering Committee members during review, but visible to Chairs prior to final acceptance or rejection.


Jeannine Hill Fletcher
Fordham University
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Amy Koehlinger
Florida State University
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Method of Submission