Ritual Studies Print

Call for Proposals

This Group encourages submissions from scholars whose research employs ethnographic and field-based methods and from scholars developing theoretical sophistication in the study of ritual. We encourage submitters to suggest innovative presentation formats and session structures. This year, we particularly invite papers on:

  • Ritual, public protest, and civil disobedience, including the Occupy Movement
  • Describing, analyzing, and theorizing the emotional and experiential dimensions of ritual — for a cosponsored session with the Body and Religion Group
  • Relationships among ritual, play, and games
  • Non-Western concepts and theories of religion
  • Pilgrimage and migration — for a possible cosponsored session with the Religion and Migration Group


This Group provides a unique venue for the interdisciplinary exploration of ritual — broadly understood to include rites, ceremonies, religious and secular performances, and other ritual processes — in their many and varied contexts, and from a range of theoretical and methodological perspectives. To learn more about this Group, visit our website at www.ritualstudies.org.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposer names are visible to Chairs but anonymous to steering committee members.


Sarah Haynes
Western Illinois University
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Barry Stephenson
Wilfrid Laurier University
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Method of Submission