Theology of Martin Luther King Jr. Print

Call for Proposals

This Group invites proposals on the following topics:

  • The year 2013 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the March on Washington at which Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. We are seeking papers that explore the historical and continuing significance of this event. These papers may represent any range of engagements or analyses (e.g., historical, rhetorical analysis, ethical reflection, etc.). For the panel composed of these papers we will have two preselected respondents

  • A book review panel on Hak Joon Lee’s The Great World House: Martin Luther King Jr. and Global Ethics (Pilgrim Press, 2011)

While the two sessions outlined above represent our intended focus for the 2013 Annual Meeting, we remain open to other papers session or roundtable proposals that reflect the mission and purpose of our Group.


The work of this Group is focused on creating conversations around the unique contributions of Martin Luther King Jr. to the Christian theological tradition in the twentieth century and to the religious, cultural, political, and economic consequences of his work. We are particularly interested in the many facets of the Civil Rights Movement, of which King was a significant part. These explorations have included a focus on the role of women in the movement, the economic dimensions of King’s work, and his use of both the theological traditions and rhetoric of the Black Church. In all of our sessions we are interested in fostering inter- and multidisciplinary approaches to this project.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposer names are anonymous to Chairs and Steering Committee members until after final acceptance or rejection.


Karen Jackson-Weaver
Princeton University
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Stephen G. Ray
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
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Method of Submission

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