Chinese Religions Print

Call for Proposals

All proposals are welcome and given careful consideration. Where listed, please contact the organizers if you wish to contribute to the following themes:

  • Submerged readings of the Zhuangzi, particularly receptions of the text that are either marginalized (disregarded commentaries) or hard to retrieve (i.e., receptions reconstructed from intertextual references, visual representations of the Zhuangzi, etc.) — Tobias Zuern, University of Wisconsin, Madison, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

  • For a possible cosponsored session with the Buddhism Section, gentry religion in Ming–Qing China — Charles B. Jones, Catholic University of America, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

  • Relationships between China’s various religions (e.g., Daoism, Buddhism, the state cult)

  • Local religion

  • Religion as practiced in the contemporary Sinophone world, as well those that employ innovative combinations of ethnographic and textual studies in Chinese religions


This Group is dedicated to the academic, comparative study of Chinese religions in all forms, both historical and contemporary. The Group makes every effort to recognize Chinese voices in religious practice as well as scholarship, and applies rigorous standards of linguistic, cultural, historical, and social-scientific understanding to the study of religion in China.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposer names are visible to Chairs but anonymous to Steering Committee members.


James A. Benn
McMaster University
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Mark Halperin
University of California, Davis
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Method of Submission