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Some thirty members of the press attended the 2010 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, including journalists from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Christian Century, CNN, NPR, PoliticsDaily.com, Post and Courier (Charleston, South Carolina), Publishers Weekly, Religion Dispatches, Religion News Service, Tennessean, and Washington Post.

Winners of the 2010 AAR Awards for Best In-Depth Reporting on Religion were among the honorees at the Sunday evening Awards Ceremony. Adam Parker of the Post and Courier, Daniel Burke of Religion News Service, and David Gibson of PoliticsDaily.com were on hand to accept their awards in person. Congratulations to these award-winning journalists for their outstanding religion news coverage during 2009.



This website contains archived issues of Religious Studies News published online from March 2010 to May 2013, and PDF versions of print editions published from Winter 2001 to October 2009.

This site also contains archived issues of Spotlight on Teaching (May 1999 to May 2013) and Spotlight on Theological Education (March 2007 to March 2013).

For current issues of RSN, beginning with the October 2013 issue, please see here.
