Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society Print

Call for Proposals

This Group invites critically developed paper and panel proposals on the following topics:

  • The use of Buddhist resources for Womanist reflection and the significance of this engagement for Buddhist critical studies (for a possible cosponsored session with the Buddhism Section)
  • Motherhood and communal care
  • Ecology and womanism
  • Cross-disciplinary approaches to Alice Walker’s definition of love
  • Womanist approaches that reengage Stony the Road We Trod: African American Biblical Interpretation (Cain Hope Felder, ed., Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 1991)
  • Womanist work that engages society outside the classroom; e.g., social networking, religious mediating, and justice-centered peace-building
  • In conjunction with other Program Units, we seek papers for a session titled “Gender Theory, Intersectionality, and Justice.” A complex array of social structures of inequality and oppression, both overt and internalized, sustain persistent patterns of injustice and, conversely, hegemony. We seek papers that expose the intricacy, convolution, and density at the intersections of gender theory and other postmodern discourses as they seek to articulate persuasive and powerful understandings of justice


This Group provides a forum for religious scholarship that engages theoretically and methodologically the four-part definition of a Womanist as coined by Alice Walker. We nurture interdisciplinary scholarship, encourage interfaith dialogue, and seek to engage scholars and practitioners in fields outside the study of religion. We are particularly concerned with fostering scholarship that bridges theory and practice and addresses issues of public policy in church and society.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposals are anonymous to Chairs and Steering Committee Members during review, but visible to Chairs prior to final acceptance or rejection.


Tracey Hucks
Haverford College
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Pamela Lightsey
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
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Method of Submission