Ricoeur Print

Call for Proposals

The year 2013 marks the centenary of Paul Ricoeur’s birth and as such we are soliciting paper proposals that address the future of Ricouer scholarship around the following themes:

  • Paul Ricoeur and gender studies

  • Reflections on the decade after the publication of Ricouer’s The Just (Chicago University Press, 2003) and its legacy

  • Ricoeur and the question of identity in relation to science and technology

  • Reading Ricoeur’s Oneself As Another (University of Chicago Press, 1995) as a hermeneutical lens for popular culture (e.g., anime, music, film, material mass culture, fashion)

  • The place of Ricoeur scholarship in interreligous dialogue

The Group is also interested in potential cosponsored sessions and roundtable proposals around themes of interest to AAR members at large.


The purpose of this Group is to promote the work of Paul Ricoeur within the broad fields of theology and religious studies. We believe that Paul Ricoeur, as a dialogue partner, has continued relevance to the manifold disciplines that constitute the AAR. Yet more than a group dedicated to the study of a particular scholar’s work — as a form of academic fandom — this Group seeks to build up and creatively utilize Ricoeur’s work in a way that enriches a wide range of theological and religious subdisciplines.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposer names are anonymous to Chairs and Steering Committee members until after final acceptance or rejection.


Michael De Lashmutt
Luther Seminary
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Jeffrey F. Keuss
Seattle Pacific University
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Method of Submission