Native Traditions in the Americas Print

Call for Proposals

This Group invites individual paper and group proposals on any aspect of Native traditions in the Americas — North, Central, and South. We especially encourage proposals in the following areas:

  • Specific roles of Mediterranean nations — Spain, France, and Italy — and institutions (e.g., papacy) in the colonization of the Americas
  • Christian Doctrine of Discovery
  • California Indians, including but not limited to such topics as religious freedom, sovereignty, state/national/tribal borders, land rights, indigenous traditions and languages, and urban Indians
  • Indigeneity in California (indigenous peoples of the Americas in California, such as the Mayan and Zapotec peoples)
  • Native traditions of the Americas along the Pacific Coast, including Alaska and the Pacific Northwest and Central and South America
  • Teaching about Native traditions in the Americas, including the undergraduate introductory/survey course (for a possible cosponsored session with the Teaching Religion Section)


This Group sees its mission as the promotion of the study of Native American religious traditions — and thereby the enrichment of the academic study of religion generally — by engaging in discourse about culturally centered theories and encouraging multiple dialogues at the margins of Western and non-Western cultures and scholarship. We are committed to fostering dialogue involving Native and non-Native voices in the study of North, Central, and South American Native religious traditions and to engaging religious studies scholarship in robust conversation with scholarship on other facets of Native cultures and societies.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposer names are visible to Chairs but anonymous to Steering Committee Members.


Mary C. Churchill
Sonoma State University
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Michael Zogry
University of Kansas
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Method of Submission