Cultural History of the Study of Religion Print

Call for Proposals

This Group seeks papers that historically examine the formation and transformation of “religion” (and other related categories) as a discursive apparatus operative in social, cultural, and political practice and in relation to the scholarly study of religion. We aim to represent diverse geographical areas and historical moments. This year, proposals addressing the following theme are especially welcome: “religion” in relation to commerce, economy, and/or the conception of the “world/globe.” Secondly, in light of the resumption of the concurrent meetings of AAR and SBL, we are considering an additional cosponsored session on the place of biblical studies in the context of the study of religion or in relation to other fields (e.g., Islamic studies, Jewish studies, church history, theology, literary criticism, anthropology), historically considered. We welcome further ideas and suggestions on the latter (please e-mail the co-Chairs).


This Group is devoted to historical inquiry into the social and cultural contexts of the study of religion and the constructions of “religion” as an object of scholarly inquiry.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposals are anonymous to Chairs and Steering Committee Members during review, but visible to Chairs prior to final acceptance or rejection.


Tomoko Masuzawa
University of Michigan
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Randall Styers
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
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Method of Submission