Buddhist Critical-Constructive Reflection Print

Call for Proposals

This Group explores how modern academic studies — in philosophy, ethics, religious studies, theology, sociology, etc. — may inform or be informed by Buddhist modes of understanding and how Buddhist thought or practice may help address problems, needs, or issues faced by societies today. We invite paper or panel proposals on the following topics:

  • How Buddhism does or does not change the scholarly conversation about social or economic justice, feminism, human rights, or a related area of contemporary concern
  • Whether it is important for Buddhists to learn from religious others, and if so, what specifically is to be learned
  • Whether Buddhism can ever be used to justify violence
  • The use of Buddhist resources for Womanist reflection and the significance of this engagement for Buddhist reflection (for a possible cosponsored session with the Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society Group)
  • Any other topic relevant to our mission


This Group explores how modern academic studies — in philosophy, ethics, religious studies, theology, sociology, etc. — can inform or be informed by Buddhist modes of understanding and how Buddhist thought or practice may help address problems, needs, or issues faced by societies today.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposals are anonymous to Chairs and Steering Committee Members during review, but visible to Chairs prior to final acceptance or rejection.


Roger Jackson
Carleton College
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John J. Makransky
Boston College
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Method of Submission