Women of Color Scholarship, Teaching, and Activism Print

Call for Proposals

This Consultation seeks submissions on the following topics:

  • The impact of Paula Gunn Allen’s work on women of color theologies and scholarships
  • Immigration debates (particularly SB 1070) and their impacts on diverse communities of color
  • Cross-coalition organizing between communities of color
  • Technology and global poverty
  • Makers of women’s religious myths


This Consultation fosters intellectual exchange in the fields of religious studies and theology as they are developing in diverse communities of color from a gendered analysis. While the AAR features Program Units from diverse communities of color, we provide a space for conversation between communities of color. This Consultation does not assume a prior “women of color” identity, but centers a woman of color analytic that deconstructs the intersecting logics of gender and race. At the same time, we do not hold to a “post-identity” framework and are also concerned with the status of women of color in the academy, the politics of pedagogy, and the relationship between women-of-color-centered activism and scholarship. Understanding identity as performative and shifting, we make the very category of “women of color” itself a site for political and intellectual engagement.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposals are anonymous to Chairs and Steering Committee Members during review, but visible to Chairs prior to final acceptance or rejection.


Katie G. Cannon
Union Presbyterian Seminary
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Andrea Smith
University of California, Riverside
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Method of Submission