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Regional Coordinator:

Verna Marina Ehret
501 East 38th Street
Mercyhurst University
Erie, PA 16546
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Region's Website

This is just a gentle reminder that the Eastern International Regional meeting is fast approaching! Registration will open soon. Keep up with all the latest information on the Eastern International Region's website.

May 10–11, 2013
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The theme of this year's meeting is material religion. Material religion explores the way in which religion happens in material ways and contexts. Material culture, such as images, places, rituals, and artifacts, is put to work in the practices of religion everywhere.

We are pleased to announce two keynote speakers:

  • Simon Coleman, University of Toronto, Friday morning, May 10, 9:30 AM–10:30 AM
  • Rosalind Hackett, University of Tennessee, Saturday morning, May 11, 9:30 AM–10:30 AM

Toronto 2013 is also beginning a new initiative that we hope faculty and graduate students will find beneficial. The Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion will join us and lead a session on pedagogy in higher education, entitled "Enhancing the Online Environment.” This workshop will be held in the University of Toronto's Department for the Study of Religion’s large seminar room on Thursday, May 9, 2013. Please be sure to join us for this special event on the eve of the conference! This will be Wabash’s first act of collaboration with the EIR, and we are hopeful that the partnership between these two organizations will lead to lively and engaging sessions in 2013 and in future EIR meetings.

In addition, S. Brent Plate, cofounder and managing editor of the journal Material Religion will lead an information session on “How to Publish in Journals: The Case of Material Religion.” This informational session will provide some tips on submitting manuscripts to academic journals. This includes finding the right fit for your work, issues of formatting and paper length, and what to know about the time period for review. The session will also detail information on the reviewing process, what to do with reviewer's reports, and how to revise and resubmit. S. Brent Plate will also discuss his ongoing work with Material Religion: The Journal of Objects, Art, and Belief, and provide an overview of that journal's aims, interests, and future directions.

Lodging Information

Please stay tuned for information about accommodations. For now, we can tell you that limited space is reserved for our guests at the following locations:

  • Holiday Inn
  • New College residence halls
  • Massey Hall

All of these buildings are located on the University of Toronto campus and are 5-7 walking minutes from the session locations.

Please note that the system for electronic submission of paper proposals is now closed.

This website contains archived issues of Religious Studies News published online from March 2010 to May 2013, and PDF versions of print editions published from Winter 2001 to October 2009.

This site also contains archived issues of Spotlight on Teaching (May 1999 to May 2013) and Spotlight on Theological Education (March 2007 to March 2013).

For current issues of RSN, beginning with the October 2013 issue, please see here.
