Tillich: Issues in Theology, Religion, and Culture Print

Call for Proposals

This Group welcomes proposals for individual papers, papers sessions, or roundtables on the following issues in theology, religion, and culture that engage with Tillich or post-Tillichian thought:

  • For a cosponsored session with the Kierkegaard, Religion, and Culture Group, the relationship between Schelling, Kierkegaard, and Tillich, in particular either Kierkegaard’s debt to Schelling or Tillich’s debt to Schelling. Papers must be submitted by September 1

  • Is there a twenty-first century correlation? Tillich’s method of correlation roots his ideas in the contemporary existential situation of his day. He defined the task of systematic theology as providing Christian answers to questions that arise in light of accepted political, ethical, artistic, philosophical, and theological practices. What is the (or are) the major challenge(s) that face religion, culture, and theology in the twenty-first century? How does the method of correlation apply to those challenges (or that challenge)? In what ways is systematic theology providing a Christian response? Is it effective?

  • For a cosponsored session with the Religion, Film, and Visual Culture Group, Tillich and film. What is the significance of Tillich’s theology of culture for work in film and theology? How does Tillich’s approach inform theological interpretation of film? What is meant by the claim that Tillich suggests the “possibility of revelation through film”?

  • For a cosponsored session with the Liberation Theologies Group, radical political and liberation theology — Tillich’s legacy and significance. What is the importance of Tillich for contemporary radical political theology? Unlike much mainstream contemporary political theology, thinking from the margins — from the politically and theologically underrepresented, including various liberation theologies — draws creatively from the work of Paul Tillich. What are the further prospects for work in this area?

  • Pentecostal engagements with Tillich. Building on the forthcoming collection Spiritual Presence and Spiritual Power: Pentecostal Readings of and Engagement with the Legacy of Paul Tillich (eds. Nimi Wariboko and Amos Yong, Indiana University Press), we invite proposals on both the reception of Paul Tillich within Pentecostal theology and a Tillichian engagement with Pentecostalism

  • For a cosponsored session with the Christian Systematic Theology Section, practices of the Christian life in Tillich’s thought. Address theoretical and practical reflections about the practices of the Christian life from a theological perspective informed by Tillich, in particular with reference to Systematic Theology volume 3 (first published in two parts: Life and the Spirit and History and the Kingdom of God fifty years ago in 1963)

Other Tillich-related proposals will be seriously considered. Unless otherwise requested, proposals not scheduled are automatically passed onto the North American Paul Tillich Society for possible inclusion in their Annual Meeting. A winning student paper receives the Annual Tillich Prize. Please indicate if a submitted paper is eligible for the student prize.


This Group fosters scholarship and scholarly exchanges that analyze, criticize, and interpret the thought or impact of Paul Tillich (1886–1965) and that use his thought — or use revisions of or reactions against his thought — to deal with contemporary issues in theology, religion, ethics, or the political, social, psychotherapeutic, scientific, or artistic spheres of human culture. We cooperate with the North American Paul Tillich Society (a Related Scholarly Organization of the AAR), which is linked with the German, French, and other Tillich societies. Papers at our sessions are published in the Society’s quarterly Bulletin without prejudice to their also appearing elsewhere.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposer names are visible to Chairs but anonymous to Steering Committee members.


Sharon Peebles Burch
Interfaith Counseling Center
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Russell Re Manning
University of Aberdeen
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Method of Submission

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