Bonhoeffer: Theology and Social Analysis Print

Call for Proposals

In honor of the 2011 celebration of the completion of the English translation of the sixteen volumes of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works (Fortress Press), this Group invites papers exploring the significance of this translation project for the future of Bonhoeffer scholarship and for the reception of Bonhoeffer in the English-speaking world. Papers might explore documents or analyze a particular document, not previously translated in English, and explore how the availability of these newly translated texts fill out Bonhoeffer’s image among English speakers. Along these lines, we also invite papers exploring Bonhoeffer’s reception among a wider English-speaking audience, including how the volumes could be used to address popular images of Bonhoeffer — for instance, North American evangelical depictions influenced by the popularity of Eric Metaxas’s biography of Bonhoeffer — or the impact that the availability of Bonhoeffer’s lesser-known works may have in the English-speaking world for constructive theology and social analysis.


This Group seeks to explore the historical and contemporary interface between theology and public life within the context of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s legacy in theology. Together with professional societies affiliated in the study of Bonhoeffer’s life and thought, we explore a variety of topics, from medical ethics to political life in a global context.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposals are anonymous to Chairs and Steering Committee Members during review, but visible to Chairs prior to final acceptance or rejection.


Joel Lawrence
Bethel Seminary
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Jennifer McBride
Emory University
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Method of Submission