Religious Conversions Print

Call for Proposals

This Consultation invites proposals on religious conversions, broadly construed, from a variety of methodological paradigms. We explore the full spectrum of issues related to religious conversions, in any historical or geographic context, inclusive of different forms of religious belief and practice. Investigations into the causes, consequences, and implications of religious conversions are welcome. We seek disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. Submissions may be for integrated panel sessions or individual papers.


This Consultation is open to study the full spectrum of issues related to religious conversions, in any historical or geographic context, encompassing different forms of religious belief and practice. The scope of the issues we cover is broad and wide-ranging. We consider investigations into the reasons for various types of religious conversions, including, but not limited to, intellectual, theological, philosophical, historical, experiential, psychological, social, cultural, political, and economic causes. We also study the consequences of religious conversions, both individually and socially, and their implications. We encourage the methodologies of multiple disciplines, as well as interdisciplinary approaches. More narrowly focused areas of inquiry suggested by interested scholars include, but are not limited to, multiple conversions, group and individual conversions, forced conversions, the narrative and/or literary aspects of conversions, hybridity, ecclesiological consequences of conversion, the place and role of conversion in a specific religious tradition, theories of conversions, and formulas of religious conversion (as step-by-step processes).

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposals are anonymous to Chairs and Steering Committee Members until after final acceptance or rejection.


Alexander Y. Hwang
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
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Linda A. Mercadante
Methodist Theological School, Ohio
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Method of Submission