January 2012

Body and Religion PDF-NOTE: Internet Explorer Users, right click the PDF Icon and choose [save target as] if you are experiencing problems with clicking. Print

Call for Proposals

This Group aims to provide a forum for multi-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary conversations on issues of body and religion. We are especially interested in the overall question of “what is body?” We invite proposals presenting diverse methodologies and understandings of body, as well as traditional and alternative presentation styles. This year we are focusing especially on:

  • Body as locus/agency of good and evil
  • Contextual bodies (historically/culturally constructed concepts/experience of body)
  • What is religious about body?
  • For a possible cosponsored session with the Religions, Medicines, and Healing Group — “The Ideal/ized Body” (not limited to material bodies) as goal or problem and practices for achieving wholeness, healing, or control in non-ideal bodies
  • For a possible cosponsored session with the Ritual Studies Group — the emotional/experiential dimensions of ritual

We also encourage submissions on other aspects of body and religion from scholars in any area of religious studies or theology.


This Group aims to draw together scholars working with different methodologies who address body as a fundamental category of analysis in the study of religion. It is a forum for sustained discussion and critique of diverse approaches to body and religion that can encompass scholars working on a wide range of traditions, regions, and eras.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposals are anonymous to Chairs and steering committee members until after final acceptance/rejection.


Rebecca Sachs Norris
Merrimack College
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George Pati
Valparaiso University
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Method of Submission


This website contains archived issues of Religious Studies News published online from March 2010 to May 2013, and PDF versions of print editions published from Winter 2001 to October 2009.

This site also contains archived issues of Spotlight on Teaching (May 1999 to May 2013) and Spotlight on Theological Education (March 2007 to March 2013).

For current issues of RSN, beginning with the October 2013 issue, please see here.
