Home News Centennial Fund Contributors

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The AAR is proud to recognize the following contributions to the Centennial Fund. This list represents donations from August 1, 2009–May 15, 2010.

Gifts of $1,000 and above

Martha and Jack Fitzmier
Mark Juergensmeyer
Jeanette M. Meyer

Gifts from $500 to $999

Ann Marie B. Bahr
Warren G. Frisina

Gifts from $250 to $499

Mary F. Bednarowski
Eugene V. Gallagher
Amir Hussain
Julianna Lipschutz
Michael B. Lukens
Mary McGee
Peter Ochs
Peter J. Paris
Jacqueline Pastis
Stacy L. Patty
Timothy M. Renick
Louis A. Ruprecht Jr.
Jonathan Z. Smith
J. Terry Todd
Emilie M. Townes
Catherine Tinsley Tuell
Glenn E. Yocum

Gifts from $100 to $249

Susan Abraham
Ernest Z. Adelman
Catherine L. Albanese
Rebecca Alpert
Robert D. Baird
Jon L. Berquist
Mangal Bhikkhu
Bonnie Birk
David S. Blix
Whitney S. Bodman
Barbara Boyd
Jean-Pierre Brach
Jonathan E. Brockopp
Robert A. Bruttell
Jorunn Jacobsen Buckley
G. Byrns Coleman
Kimberly Rae Connor
Allison P. Coudert
David S. Cunningham
Barbara DeConcini
Adarsh Deepak
Christopher Denny
Jualynne E. Dodson
Christine Downing
Martha Finch
Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas
P. Roger Gillette
W. Clark Gilpin
Fred Glennon
Natalie Gummer
Roy Hammerling
William P. Harman
Marcia Hermansen
Hans J. Hillerbrand
Peter C. Hodgson
Jess Hollenback
Robert Hughes III
Thomas A. Idinopulos
Tazim Kassam
Zayn Kassam
Robert Kossler
Kwok Pui Lan
Francis Landy
John N. Langfitt
Emmanuel Lartey

John K. Leonard
Charles L. Lloyd Jr.
Lynne Faber Lorenzen
Lawrence Mamiya
Joan M. Martin
Robert Martin
Douglas R. McGaughey
Alan G. Meyers
Gordon S. Mikoski
David L. Miller
Julie Miller
Mary Moorman
Koichi Mori
Vasudha Narayanan
Frank Neubert
Robert C. Neville
Gordon D. Newby
Richard T. Nolan
Dennis A. Norlin
Carl Olson
Parimal G. Patil
Brian K. Pennington
Rebecca Todd Peters
Judith Plaskow
Stephen Porter
Frederick Quinn
Jill Raitt
Charles H. Reynolds
Susan A. Ross
Judy Saltzman
Kathleen M. Sands
A. Gregory Schneider
David Schultenover, S. J.
Susan L. Schwartz
Michael Smith
Winnifred Sullivan
Deanna A. Thompson
Arne Tolo Sr.
Francis Vanderwall
Samuel Wells
James B. Wiggins
Yohan Yoo
Michael York
Jickhong Yun

We strive for accuracy in our records. Please notify the AAR of any incorrect listings. Visit www.aarweb.org/donate to make a secure online donation.


This website contains archived issues of Religious Studies News published online from March 2010 to May 2013, and PDF versions of print editions published from Winter 2001 to October 2009.

This site also contains archived issues of Spotlight on Teaching (May 1999 to May 2013) and Spotlight on Theological Education (March 2007 to March 2013).

For current issues of RSN, beginning with the October 2013 issue, please see here.
