Religion and the Social Sciences Print

Call for Proposals

This Section invites proposals on these topics:

  • Who’s got next? — important new theorists in the social sciences that dissertation students should know about
  • Empirical methods in religious studies — how the sociology of religion at the University of California, Berkeley, has advanced the study of religion
  • The mourning of the American dream — the psychological and religious dimensions of the economic malaise (for a possible cosponsored session with the Psychology, Culture, and Religion Group)
  • Current issues in qualitative approaches to the study of religion, communities of faith, and religious practices, including but not limited to researcher reflexivity and ways of accounting for the researcher’s self in the study of religious practices; the similarities and differences in various qualitative research practices such as participatory action research and ethnography by sociologists and by practical theologians; and issues stemming from research in cultural contexts of difference (for a possible cosponsored session with the Practical Theology Group)
  • Other issues and questions in the study of religion and the social sciences


This Section supports scholarship at the intersection of the social sciences — including psychology, sociology, political sciences, economics, and cultural studies — and religious or theological studies. Topic areas include the study of religious and theological questions through specific social scientific methodologies, the contribution of religious and theological approaches to the work of social scientific disciplines, and comparative assessments of current issues by humanities-based and social scientific methods.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposals are anonymous to Chairs and Steering Committee Members until after final acceptance or rejection.


Kelly Bulkeley
Graduate Theological Union
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Carol B. Duncan
Wilfrid Laurier University
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Method of Submission