Home Annual Meeting Call for Papers Groups Cognitive Science of Religion
January 2012

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Call for Proposals

This Group welcomes proposals for individual papers or sessions on any aspect of the cognitive science of religion. We are particularly interested in sessions on the following themes:

  • Research that tests extant theories in the cognitive science of religion — scheduled either as a regular session or in our Research Forums, publicized to our e-mail list, and possibly cosponsored with the International Association for the Cognitive Science of Religion (IACSR)
  • The role of etic versus emic explanation in religious studies
  • The theoretical and practical difficulties encountered in the cognitive science of religion interdisciplinary work
  • Scientific versus religious cognition
  • Cognitive science of religion and Daoist practice — for a possible cosponsored session with the Daoist Studies Group
  • Religious visualization — for a possible cosponsored session with the Tantric Studies Group
  • Cognitive science of religion and charismatic Christian movements — for a possible cosponsored session with the Pentecostal–Charismatic Movements Group

The Group’s blog describes how proposals are evaluated and can be used as a forum for coordinating organized sessions or Research Forums.


This Group is dedicated to advancing cognitive scientific approaches to the study of religion in a critically informed, historically responsible manner. “Cognitive science” designates a broadly interdisciplinary approach to the study of the mind that integrates research from the neurosciences, psychology (including developmental, cognitive, evolutionary, and social psychology), anthropology, and philosophy. The main goal of this Group is to bring together cognitive scientists, historians of religion, ethnographers, empirically-oriented theologians, and philosophers of religion to explore applications of cognitive science to religious phenomena, as well as religious insights into the study of the human mind. We wish to consider ways in which historical and ethnographic data can be used to test theories and discuss theoretical and methodological concerns that are directly relevant to study design and data interpretation.

Anonymity of Review Process

Proposer names are visible to Chairs but anonymous to steering committee members.


Edward Slingerland
University of British Columbia
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Jason Slone
Tiffin University
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Method of Submission


This website contains archived issues of Religious Studies News published online from March 2010 to May 2013, and PDF versions of print editions published from Winter 2001 to October 2009.

This site also contains archived issues of Spotlight on Teaching (May 1999 to May 2013) and Spotlight on Theological Education (March 2007 to March 2013).

For current issues of RSN, beginning with the October 2013 issue, please see here.
